What Will Happen After This

What will happen after them ? When all the Titanic survivirs die, and cannot give interviews and documentaries. Without them Titanic will die again-they have lived through it, and if the three remaining die, documentaries will not be the same-the survivors`s own voices and thoughts.
Sure, documentaries will be made, but only by Titanic researchers and satff, but w/o survivors.I hope Lillian Asplund recovers from her illness, and Millvina and Barbara will continue to live healthy and fit.
Also, I have been wondering about this- when the last Titanic survivor dies, will that be in the news all over the world ?
I don't know if the passing of the last survivor of the Titanic will be worldwide news or not. Though I can't imagine it not having some coverage in all major papers.

I don't think Titanic will "die again" though--the survivors left quite a legacy and those who are faithful to the memory of the ship will carry that on (we are included).

To me, it's similar to holding other important historical things in your heart...the loss of the Challenger crew, the loss of Princess Diana and many more...we don't forget them. Titanic will live on in this site at least.
I guess that`s right, in this site Titanic WILL live on, the number lives lost, the heroic acts of passengers... And the collapde of the World trade Center towers, I`m sure you ment to list them to.What hit me there were the people trapped inside the burning building, waving tissues, I thought about the people trapped inside Titanic...what a horrible sight !
Does anyone seem to know what year that documentary video was made, in which Mr. Navratil, Eva Hart, Millvina Dean, Edith Haisman, and her daughter relived Titanic`s voyage ? It was an AE documentary film.
Thanks, Lorie
Laura, I believe you are visiting the message board at the same time as I am.

Don't know about the time that documentary was made. There must be some place in this site that lists everything ever done about the ship. I haven't looked for it yet though.

A&E's "Titanic:Death of a Dream/The Legend Lives On" was first broadcast in 1994.

To me, it was one of the best, if not THE best Titanic documentaries.
Yeah, me neither, I have to check that out. That documentery is the only one I saw yet;but it was VERY interesting, that`s why I saw it like 5 times already. Everything that`s included in that video makes it perfect-the survivors, the music, the photos, (poor little Helen Loraine Allison, she was such a cute baby)( I`m about to rent the film out again)How they talk about the "Unknown Child", long thought to be Gosta Palsson.
Cheers, Lorie
I think Titanic legend doesnt still exist because three survivors are still alive. I think most people even dont know that fact, but they are interested in the ships story all the same.
The statements of people who were only little children in 1912 was'nt and isn't the basis of the Titanic fascination.
Remember for example the fascination of the battle of Gettysburg or the Battle of Little Big Horn?
Still survivors? I believe not!
IMO, the legend doesn't need the demise of the survivors in order to exist. When you get right down to it, the mythmaking started the morning of April 15th 1912 and has continued unabated ever since.

Anyone who doesn't believe that just casually listen in on some people-about-town who discuss it and it doesn't take long to realize that they haven't bothered to read any actual historical records on the subject.

Legends abound of nobless oblige on the part of First Class, Captain Smith swimming to lifeboats with babies and crying out "Be British! Be British!" people trapped on the ship singing Nearer My God To Thee or Autumn, brittle steel, attempts to capture the Blue Ribband while plunging through an icefield, a critical ice warning not making it to the bridge, "Everything was against us." mummies jinxing the trip, ghost stories and premonitions, God trying to teach arrogant technocrats a lesson, and contemporary assertions of ship switch conspiracies...and all that without any remaining survivors getting in the way.

Some of this may have a grain of truth behind them, but the fantasies that became attatched have long since taken on a life of their own.

Oh yes...The Titanic Legend is alive and well, and has been for 91 years!
I am the granddaughter of Helen Lorraine Kramer who was told that she was actually Helen Lorraine Allison and who was listed as a victim of the Titanic disaster. She was the Daughter of Hudson J. & Bess Allison, first class passengers and who are known to have both perished with the sinking. This is a mystery that has had much speculation and is a story that I grew up with from my earliest memory.

Bottom line...all anyone need do is see a photo of Hudson Allison and my grandmother and if there was ever a father and daughter it is they. I have recently discovered a suitcase my Grandmother has had stored away for over 70 years. It is full of the photos, articles,atty reports and crucial letters from the family and others in support of her claim. Her daughter Adele, (82) my mother is still with me to interview and am seeking to tell and share this tale in it's truth and it's entirety once and for all.

NOTE: I am in contact with surviving members of the Allison family in support and who are willing to provide DNA evidence which should be forthcoming. We seek to on this 100th year since the disaster, be able to prove her claim and ultimately return her ashes to the family grave site in Canada that we can lay her to rest and wish them all Peace after what has been a 100 year separation.
Please anyone interested in assisting me, or learning more...feel free to contact me.