Whatever happened to

Where did the 775 foot long exterior set to the thitanic go after shooting? There ate thousands of articles on the set but only it's contruction and use, none on where it is now. I'd like ot imagine it on display or even tour of the world at various marine museums. Odds are that it's been scrapped though or left somewhere ot fall apart. Can sombody please answer this for me?
Never mind, I found the answer myself. Sadly, and very unfortunately the answer lies in the fox studios baja website, and is as listed..

The 95% scale of the original Titanic was disassembled and converted into scrap (metal and wood). At the museum you can see some of the parts of the ship, such as the bow (where the sailors were standing when they saw the iceberg), the poop deck or stern, the capstan winch and some of the access bridges. You can also see the unopened safe were Rose's drawing was found.
Yeah, my sister has the movie book, and it says that they wanted to keep the 95% scale model in tact, but it was too unstable for public viewing because it was only a thin layer of steel on wood.

-Daniel Odysseus