>>Still, such practices leave a bad taste in my mouth <<
Kind of depends on who gets the haircut, doesn't it? But let's ask Her Mad-jesty, the Queen of Hearts herself. We take you to the Mersey Wreck Commission with Nick Newscaster reporting
live. Nick...???
Nick N: "Thank you , Mike, and we have here an exclusive, the Queen Of Hearts. You're Majesty, what is your opinion on Lord Mersey?"
Quenn of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
Nick N: "And what is you're take on the unpleasantness with
Captain Lord?"
Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
Nick N: "How about Senator Smith over in America?"
Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
Nick N: "
Bruce Ismay?"
Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
Nick N: "How about..."
Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
Nick N: "But I didn't even give you his name!"
Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH
Nick N: "And there you have it...back to you Mike. I'm outta here!"
Me: "Thank you Nick...uh...tough lady, isn't she?"