Where to start


I just purchased a copy of the transcripts of the British Inquiry and was wondering what are the best places to start.

(I posted a similar thread in the Senate Inquiry topic as well)
You could start with the Final Report, then go into the minutes of evidence. The report will give you the final conclusions were and then you can compare that with the testimony to see if what they concluded matched what was actually being said.

Or you could just start with the testimony itself, which is what I did. There's nothing wrong with either approach.
Hey, Matt-

Where did/can you buy a copy of the transcripts and how much are/were they? I can download them from their site (and I have printed out a large portion of the text), but I would also like to have the official prints, if they are available without siphoning my blood dry to get them.
I forgot to mention, you better have a magnifying glass to read the text of the Wreck Commission transcripts. The hardcopy version is brutal on the eyes, especially for us older chaps!
As the King of Hearts said, "Begin at the beginning, go on till you get to the end, then stop."

Actually, the downloadable text files are far better than the originals and searchable to boot.

Just don't fall asleep.
Hi Dave, actually, it was the March Hare and the Mad Hatter who said lines similar to what you posted above. I ought to know.
Just don't mention a....uhm...."c", "a", "t".
>>As the King of Hearts said, "Begin at the beginning, go on till you get to the end, then stop." <<

Beats the approach the Queen of Hearts had which was THIS. Although admittedly, you might want to get some of the witnesses to hook up with her "barber" for an appointment.
This practice is by far inhumane no matter what conditions or methods are employed. Thank goodness it was abolished in most places. Primitive is the culture that still uses this as a means of legal punishment. I would have absolutely no respect for the executioner, regardless of whether it's "a job" or not. Of course, this is merely my own opinion.

i bought these copies on ebay. i got both for $150, quite a steal in my opinion. There are 2 copies of the senate inquiries on amazon.com for $190. I have not seen any copies of the british inquiry anywhere though.
Thank you, Matt,

That's cheap in the sense that I expected them to be much more, but, alas, it's Christmas time! I will download and print them a section or so at the time, but eventually I'd like to get them in book form.

Dave, why would you said the downloadable ones are better? On the other hand, they're cheaper, that's for sure, considering they are free.
>>This practice is by far inhumane no matter what conditions or methods are employed.<<

Maybe but it sure cuts the racividism rate down to nothing. No wonder the Queen of Hearts liked it!

>>I have not seen any copies of the british inquiry anywhere though.<<

Really? Amazon.com and Amazon.uk had been offering it for years. I take it they don't do so any more because I couldn't find them.
Maybe but it sure cuts the racividism rate down to nothing. No wonder the Queen of Hearts liked it!

That it does--if not through the death of the culprit, then through submission of other would-be criminals who become scared as a result of seeing what would happen if they were to commit a crime. Swift and final--enough to make a bone-splitting point, isn't it? ;)

Still, such practices leave a bad taste in my mouth (and a stiffness in my neck). Despite the absolute results that it brings, I am glad that it was absolved. It is a shame that it is is still practiced in the world today.
>>Still, such practices leave a bad taste in my mouth <<

Kind of depends on who gets the haircut, doesn't it? But let's ask Her Mad-jesty, the Queen of Hearts herself. We take you to the Mersey Wreck Commission with Nick Newscaster reporting live. Nick...???

Nick N: "Thank you , Mike, and we have here an exclusive, the Queen Of Hearts. You're Majesty, what is your opinion on Lord Mersey?"

Quenn of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

Nick N: "And what is you're take on the unpleasantness with Captain Lord?"

Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

Nick N: "How about Senator Smith over in America?"

Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

Nick N: "Bruce Ismay?"

Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

Nick N: "How about..."

Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

Nick N: "But I didn't even give you his name!"

Queen of Hearts: "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

Nick N: "And there you have it...back to you Mike. I'm outta here!"

Me: "Thank you Nick...uh...tough lady, isn't she?"
Yikes! This woman sounds like she's quite determined. Best not to speak out against her, lest I lose my head, too. ;)

I hope Nick Newscaster will be okay. Letting the wrong thing slip could mean one's life in some areas.
Kind of depends on who gets the haircut, doesn't it?

Maybe, but I still have my reservations about it. If someone dangerous need be eliminated to relieve the masses of their fear and insecurity regarding their safety, there are less . . . messy and disturbing ways of conducting what needs to be done.

If I were in an area that still practices beheadings, I would, of course, keep my voice to myself, but, then again, knowing such policies ahead of time would deter me from venturing into those areas in the first place, unlike poor Nick Newscaster.