White Star Line Titanic Officers Cap Badges

Bedig, you may want to contact Parks Stephenson, who is a member of this board. He has done a good deal of work on this element of the WSL uniform. I believe Bill Sauder is also someone who can comment knowledgeably on the subject. I tend to defer to the two of them.

Part of the answer to your question depends on what time period you're looking at - the cap badges did change. For example, the top example you posted, with the circle around the burgee, looks to me at first glance to be similar to the style that was adopted not long before 1912, and can be seen in photos of officers who had only recently joined the line such as James Moody.

But drop Parks a line - he can probably even tell you who did which replica!
Sorry Bedig - I wasn't suggesting you didn't know who did the replicas...I was just reinforcing my comments that Parks knows a considerable amount about both the originals and the replicas that are on the market. He may know your friend, as I know he is in touch with some replica makers and has even assisted some in their research. He's also a good person to speak with if you're interested in Marconi cap badges.
I'd be happy to, Bedig - if you scroll down, you'll see a post from him that mentions he's currently on location working on the new Britannic documentary, and that his email access isn't great. I'm sure he'll respond to you when he's able to do so.
I do know where he works, and perhaps he'll tell you when you have a chance to catch up. I'm sure you'd enjoy meeting him - I've met him a on a few occasions, and he is not only extremely knowledgeable, he is also very charming company with an excellent sense of humour.