Who actually designed the Titanic?

>>I know. But a lot of people, like Tom McCluskie, helped make it. <<

Why is this an argument? There are a lot of books out there which have been contributed to by people who are recognized as authorities on a particular subject. That doesn't make the end result all that reliable.

You're straining on a gnat with this.
I can understand where TitanicNerd is coming from as one naturally associates great structures as being designed by a particular person or people - think of Christopher Wren and St. Paul's Cathedral, for instance. But the reality is that the Titanic, as with anything, started out as an idea - a vision - which was weighed into by several different people. Ultimately, it would be unfair and incorrect to label one particular person as the sole designer and creator of Titanic. If it was a football game, it would read "team effort".

It was not the designer fault. It's the shipment crew who needs to careful about rock mountain s and the storm.
"We can't blame manufacturer for a car accident."
Millie, it's true that the designers can't be blamed for the collision with the iceberg - accidents happen, no matter how preventable - but they have a share of responsibility in the fact that there was nowhere near enough lifeboats on board for everyone. In that they were of course aided by the non-sensical regulations of the day.
