Who sat at which table

Does any one know who sat in every table in saloon. I know a few tables.....

Hudson Alison
Bess Alison
Major Peuchen
Harry Molson

Captian Smith
Joseph Bruse Ismay (on capitans right)
John Thayer
Marion Thayer
Jack Thayer (ate in room on last day of the voyage)

Any others known???

Hello again,well i had the same question till a lot of time, anyway,who selected where were sat each one of the passengers, they did it? or it was assigned when they paid for their tickets?
anybody of you knows where i can find the locations of the first class passengers into the saloon, where were they sat? it could change?

thanks a lot

i will really appreciate your help
I know that in second class and in third class, the passengers were assigned to a table in fonction of their nationalities, ages etc. But, in first class, were the passengers assigned to a specific place or they could seat where they wanted...And if yes, how White Star assigned the passengers to a specific table. I think they would take in consideration the nationality, the social standing who was very important in these times etc. But, did the White Star Line would take in consideration the request of the passengers?

Thanks for your answers and sorry for my english

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally a separate thread, has been moved to this pre-existing tnrad addressing the same subject. MAB]
Jason, I'd direct you to a thread under the sub-heading 'Eating on board' in which this very question was discussed not so long ago. It is called 'Dinner times - all together or staggered?'

You ought to find the answers there.
I guess I am mainly interested to know if there was a general seating chart that could tell us where everyone sat (at least in First and Second class) - like they had on the Queen Mary. Not just which table, but the actual seat and its number. In addition, were passengers simply told verbally where they were sitting or were they given a little slip of paper with their number on it like a ticket?
>>I guess I am mainly interested to know if there was a general seating chart <<

Such a chart may have existed but I would be amazed if any such made it off the ship when even the ship's logbooks and other important papers did not. Since some menus made it off in the pockets of some of the passengers, it's not impossible, but I don't think it was a priority concern.
Colonol Graice said he usually ate with Clinch Smith.

I think Thomas Andrews used to eat with Doctor O'Loughlin a lot of the time.

Yes this is true. In addition to Andrews and O'Loughlin, Eleanor Cassebeer and Harry Anderson dined with them. This is taking from Cassebeer's account of the disaster where she states who she dined with.
Eleanor Cassebeer sat at the pursers table
Yes, she was a 'regular' at McElroy's table as were some others. Apparently, in some quarters McElroy's table - which seated up to 12 people - was even more popular than the Captain's because of the Purser's witticism.

Does anyone know if Mrs Cassebeer dined at the Purser's table on Sunday night?