Who was the boy that was on the ship that had a birthday on April 15th the day the ship went down

There was more than one person celebrating when they would soon be mourning. There was one little girl in 3rd class but i cant remember her name. Miss Sigrid Elisabeth Andersson, who died in the sinking, was turning 12 on April 16th.
i searched April 15th birthdays on back -to -titanic.com and i found only 4 birthdays. none of these seem to be children.

(i do not own this web site or the information on it. but i do recommend it. i copied and pasted the birthdays from it):

On April 15 in Titanic history ..

1875 - 1st class passenger Mr Edward Pomeroy Colley was born in County Kildare, Ireland.

1898 - 3rd class survivor Miss Jamila ("Amelia Garrett") Nicola-Yarred was born.

1890 - 3rd class survivor Mr David Vartanian was born to Azadia Vartanian and Sierma Agoien in Turkish Armenia.

1868 - Postal Clerk Mr Oscar Scott Woody was born.
Neat info Kelly. I always wondered myself who had an April 15 birthday. Great to see you here. Miss Jamila (Amelia) is just a year and 5 days younger then my Great Grandma.
Although this doesn't help you in your quest to find a boy on Titanic who had an April 15th birthday, Jennifer, you might be interested in a post made today by Tom Goldsmith, whose grandfather Frank survived the sinking:

This may be as close as you get to finding a birthday on "the night the ship went down."

Jennifer was looking for a boy who was 'celebrating his birthday on the night the ship went down', which in common parlance would be the Sunday night, though it was Monday by the time the ship actually sank. It's a certainty that nobody was celebrating anything in the early hours of the 15th, so this must be a reference to a birthday on the 14th. and Alfred Rush is almost certainly the name that Jennifer was looking for. But she asked her question 5 years ago, so I imagine she's not been hanging around for the answer! :-)
Guess I should have checked the date of the original question, Bob! Duh. Originally I addressed my post to Kelly, but just before posting it I went back to the beginning of the thread and saw that the question about the April 15th birthday was actually asked by "Jennifer," so changed the name without checking the date. You're right--Jennifer only posted once on ET five years ago, so she's long gone!
