I do wonder if there was "something" going on with Californian that everyone has missed. I recall reading somewhere that she was carrying a large load of lumber, which seems absurd since the USA has tons of lumber and would not need to import any from England. No way could it make any economic sense to move lumber from London to Boston, esp. during a coal strike.
I think it was also carrying cotton, which again makes no sense since the USA is the point of origin for most cotton.
Everything about the Californian is strange, and really makes no sense objectively. I almost wonder if they ship was involved in some kind of smuggling that may have been controlled by some very rich and powerful people, hence they ignored the distress calls out of a desire to avoid attention. This theory makes more and more sense when you really think about it. I will summarize the evidence below:
A. Californian's wireless installation was 100% assured to lose money. It seems the ship didn't carry passengers often, and when it did the max was 47 and they would have been lower-class people who would have no money to send messages.
B. It's alleged "cargo" makes no sense. Moving lumber from England to the USA makes no sense whatsoever. The USA was up to their neck in home grown lumber that was dirt cheap. Ditto for cotton.
C. Lord had to have known that the rockets were a distress signal. His testimony at both inquiries was evasive, contradictory, and lacked credibility. I believe he also pressured the other officers to "get the story straight" and told them what to say. I am an attorney and have taken hundreds of depositions, and I can tell you just from reading the transcripts that Lord does a lot of lying. Full stop. His testimony has all the hallmarks of a heavily rehearsed and untruthful story that did not hold up well to cross examination. I fully believe Lord did go up on deck and saw Titanic and the rockets with his own eyes, but knew getting involved would mean his illicit cargo would likely be discovered.
D. Taken all of the above, I believe the likeliest explanation is that Californian was smuggling something. I think the wireless was there to get in touch with another ship to offload the contraband on to before reaching Boston. I think he planned to just steam away and pretend nothing happened but Evans sort of "blew it" by saying too much to
Carpathia, and thus they had to steam over and pretend they wanted to help. If not for the donkeyman Gill breaking ranks, Lord's plan would have worked, It was Gill tattling to the newspapers that got them all sucked down the rabbit hole.