from what i have heard, although this is more famous w/ conspiracy theorist, Ramsay also supports it, and while his work has been criticised by a number of people on the boards, his work for the most part is reliable, except where he relies on SNAMES, besides that i greatly admire his book and how he challenges some of the theories of Bailey and Ryan. this is not to say i think Bailey and Ryan is unreliable, theyre book is very reliable, but the work is almost 30 years old, and so the theories of them should be put to test, as to rely on antiquated theories can be dangerous. now back to the point. the funnels of course. i hope you (Eric) should one day incorporate why the funnels were painted black into your article, as whats available on the subject is too little to make any decision w/ certainty and confidence. to me it makes more sense that the ship would be flying Admiralty Colors under Admiralty orders, why the the funnels had to be repainted at certain points is obvious, the high heat/steam pressure causing the paint to crack and fall off, and also of course the ocean sprays on the funnels too.
also another question Eric. were any parts of 3rd class gutted to make extra room for cargo? this question does not apply any coal bunkers anywhere on the ship, as they were obviously in use, and i dont think the unused ones would be much use for cargo.