Hallo Lynda -
It's always possible that he got rid of the photos because the reminders made him too sad. I think it more likely, however, that they have simply not been made public as there has been very little specific research on Wilde, and his family have not yet chosen to make them public. There are no published photos of Harold Lowe's wife for example, but they certainly exist (and I hope to arrange for their publication soon).
Hallo Christa! Good to hear from you again.
Moody's extant correspondence goes all the way up to the day before the
Titanic sailed from Southampton, so there are certainly later quotes. I simply selected the ones that happened to fit the flow of the narrative. The
Oceanic quote under the postcard depiction of the vessel is from when he joined her in 1911, and the comment ‘I think I deserve a summer here after weathering such a rotten winter’ is from March 1912, shortly before he was transferred to the
Titanic (as are comments he made about
Lightoller and Philips).
Jemma and I recently discussed doing more work on the website, so I should get my act together in that regard (as always, I have multiple projects on the boil). I may possibly send some material to Phil H for ET re
Boxhall etc, as much of this is already written up. Just needs to be edited and images sorted out.