William MacQuitty

Besides being the producer for the movie "A Night To Remember", what other works did William MaQuitty produce? Also, does he attend any of the Titanic Historical Societies conventions?
According to IMDB these are on record as his works. Hope this helps.

Informers, The (1965) (producer)
... aka Underworld Informers (1965) (USA)
Night to Remember, A (1958) (producer)
Black Tent, The (1956) (producer)
Above Us the Waves (1955) (producer)
Beachcomber, The (1954) (producer)
Street Corner (1953) (producer)
... aka Both Sides of the Law (1953) (USA)
Happy Family, The (1952) (producer)
... aka Mr. Lord Says No (1952) (USA)
Blue Scar (1949) (producer)
Way We Live, The (1946) (associate producer)
Monica, I got a "file 404 page not found" when I tried that link. Do you perhaps have a typo in that link? I went to the Times Online Homepage and found the obit listed, but they require registration and a password to access. (NOTE: It ain't free either!)
Oh dear, no, there's no typo. I belong to the Times on-line, that's what it is, and what it wants is my password and id. I'll see if I can find another free obit, or think of some way round it. It's a good obit, he had a simply fascinating life by all accounts. Pity he didn't make 100.
I can't find any other obituaries anywhere else, and a general search reveals nothing, as I expect you found out. If nobody else manages to come up with a way of posting it, I'll paraphrase it and post that when I get back from work this evening. It sounds like a life very fully led indeed ....
Sad news. It's notable that Bill was one of the last surviving people who could claim to have seen the Titanic above water. He was present at the launch, as a child just 6 years old: "This great ship had been built by people like me. What they could do I would also be able to do in time. I too was an Ulsterman. My heart swelled with pride." The following year he watched again as the ship left Belfast on her way to Southampton. And nearly half a century later he was the driving force behind a film that triggered my own passion for the Titanic. Many of us will I'm sure endorse this earlier tribute by James Cameron: "Bill, allow me to take this opportunity to express my thanks, as your vision to create the film 'A Night to Remember' has had a ripple effect through modern culture".
Glad you managed to sort out the URL, Phil. What a guy, eh? I mean who, today, manages to have a life like that? I think it's partly to do with the eras he spanned - such opportunities, both frightening and exciting. I've noticed this about my parent's generation (7 years Bill's junior!). They really did live. I feel a dull old stick beside them... ah well. I will have to content myself with being part of the generation which had a rip-roaring time in the 1960/70s, and then went on to ensure nobody else ever could by inventing the audit society, electronic surveillance and political correctness. What a legacy!
I contacted Bill a few years ago at Randy's request to ask him a few questions about A Night To Remember. He was swift to call me, and was the epitome of charm and kindness on the phone. I discussed the movie with him, asked my questions, and gave him the impressions passed on to me by the Boxhall family about Joe Boxhall's involvement in making the movie and their memories of visiting him on the set. Then we moved on to many other things!

If ever an individual deserved to be called a 'renaissance man' it was McQuitty. Cinema, photography, writing...just the other day I picked up an old book on Tutankhamen off the shelf that I was given for my 10th birthday, and noticed for the first time that he was both author and photgrapher. He picked my accent and conversed in an extraordinarily knowledgeable way about Sydney's Botanical Gardens - yet another area of interest. We somehow drifted into discussions of fitness, and he tried to dissuade me from running. Yoga, he told me in no uncertain terms, was the way to go - he attributed much of his own longevity to it. (As an aside, I took his advice and registered at the yoga centre very soon after, even if I haven't forgone the running). By the time we'd travelled the world in subjects, I'd almost forgotten what the original purpose of the phone call was. For conversation and breadth of knowledge, I've never met his like. He asked me to stay in contact and phone him if there was anything else he could do to help.

The very essence of a gentleman, coupled with talent and a richness of life experiences that most of us could only dream about. As you say, Monica - he really did live.
It's nearly 3 a.m. and I'm still at work but I have to take the time to post as I've just read the news of Bill's MacQuitty's death.

This has been a difficult time, hasn't it? I can't recall a time that I've learned of so many deaths of people I have known or known of.

Inger's memories of Bill MacQuitty revive my own. It was Don Lynch who very kindly put me in touch with MacQuitty back in 2001. I had wanted to ask him questions about Edith Russell, of course, for that article that will someday be written - if it doesn't become a blasted book before I am done with it!

I waited for my first letter from MacQuitty with great anticipation. When it came, late in September, delayed by the tragedy of that year, I saw that it was actually datelined Sept. 11. In his letter, he expressed his sadness for America and the lives lost on that terrible day.

About "Old Edy," he said some funny things that I will wait to quote later in my article but he also made some very poignant and thoughtful observations about her, showing his high regard for her.

Toward the end of the letter he chastised me a bit for being hard to get a hold of by phone. I couldn't believe that such an elderly man had bothered to call from London, probably at odd times, in order to reach me. That is when I asked Inger to act in my behalf and she came through beautifully.

It was some months later when I called him myself, to thank him for his third and final letter. We spoke for over an hour! He had an extraordinary mind, was full of insight and offered a great deal of much appreciated publishing advice. I kept reminding myself the man was in his mid 90s!

We discussed the disaster of 9-11 and its similarity to the Titanic sinking. He also spoke about his love of travel and of India in particular. When he spoke of his photography, I could almost hear him smiling. It was a great love obviously and he regretted the loss of his eyesight which prevented his being able to admire his pictures.

MacQuitty told me that I had "quite a task ahead of me" in researching Edith whom he said "liked to tell the most wonderful lies." He said she was a natural story teller and so charming in conversation, that you forgot she was probably making up half the things she was telling you!

I am very grateful to Mr. MacQuitty for the interest he showed in my project and for taking time to answer my questions. He was a true gentleman, as Inger says, with an absolute zest for living and a real love of people. He also had an incredible peace about him and a very clever sense of humor.

I feel honored to have known this great man, if even in only a small way.
So he had lost his sight and could not see his pictures. Hard. One expects people in their 90's to have some sight problems, and I expect he had macular degeneration. This is a very great problem especially with the ageing population and people living longer, and more people are developing it than before, and earlier, from what I can see from the research. It is believed that there are poorly-understood environmental factors at work. It's something everyone should be aware of, and support the research. The USA is in the vanguard of this research, as the prospect of a large older population which cannot see is not something that can be ignored.