And coping with the physical symptoms- the text of an authentic ad:
WOMEN DO NOT SUFFER SO Brown's Cure will cure you. If you have any of these symptoms take this remedy at once and be cured: Nausea and bad taste in the mouth, sore feeling in the lower part of the bowels, an unusual discharge, impared general health, feelings of langour, sharp pain in the region of kidneys, backache, dull pain in small of back, pain in passing water, bearing down feeling, a dragging sensation in the groin, courses irregular, a timid nervous and restless feeling, a dread of some impending evil, wayward and irritable temper, a feeling of fullness, sparks before the eyes, gait unsteady, pain in the womb, swelling in front, pain in the breastbone, pain when courses occur, hysterics, temples and ears throb, sleep short and distorted,impared digestion,headache, trouble with sight or hearing, dizziness, morbid feeling and the blues,palpitation of the heart, nerves weak and sensitive, appetite poor, a craving for unnatural food,spirits depressed, nervous dyspeptic symptoms, a heavy feeling and pain in the back upon exertion, fainting spells, habitual constipation, cold extremeties IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS SEND TO US FOR BROWN'S CURE AND BE CURED AT ONCE. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN CURED WHO HAVE CONSIDERED THEIR CASES INCURABLE. 6 BOTTLES WILL CURE ANY CASE OF FEMALE WEAKNESS.
The range of ingredients in these "cure alls" was amazing. Some were herbal and likely harmless, others contained laudanum (tincture of opium) or paregoric along with high doses of alcohol.