NEW YORK, APRIL 20---Mrs. Alexander T. Compton and her daughter, Miss Alice Compton, of Lakewood and New Orleans, two of the Titanic’s rescued, reached here completely prostrated over the loss of Mrs. Compton’s son Alexander, who went down with the big liner. Mr. Compton was a large stockholder in the Laurel house, Lakewood, and was also financially interested in the Waumbeck, Jefferson, N. H. The family spent considerable of their time in Lakewood.
“When we waved goodby to my son,” said Mrs. Compton, “we did not realize the great danger, but thought we were only being sent out in the boats as a precautionary measure. When Captain Smith handed us life preservers, he said cheerily: ‘They will keep you warm if you do not have to use them.’ Then the crew began clearing the boats and putting the women into them. My daughter and I were lifted in the boat commanded by the fifth officer.
“There was a moan of agony and anguish from those in our boat when the Titanic sank, and we insisted that the officer head back for the place where the Titanic had disappeared. We found one man with a life preserver on him struggling in the cold water and for a moment I thought that he was my son.”
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