Encyclopedia Titanica

Dave Bryceson

Member and Contributor since January 2008

After 22 years service with the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, Dave Bryceson founded a video store in Folkestone, Kent. Listing his
favourite movie genre as true stories, the film and book A Night To Remember became the inspiration for his study into the Titanic Disaster of 1912.

Dave has written articles for a number of Titanic Societies and his first book about the disaster was published in 1997. 

Crewman Edward Brown and two other Titanic survivors
Survivors from the Titanic disaster arrive in Southampton. The centre figure in the photograph is Mr E. Brown who was unable to swim but kept afloat for an hour by clinging to a lifebelt....

Elizabeth Nye

Elizabeth Nye
2nd Class Passenger

Anton Ferrary
Engineering Crew

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We found 2 items in the Titanic Store

Dave Bryceson (2009) Elizabeth Nye - "Titanic" Survivor, Streets Publishers