Encyclopedia Titanica

Dennis Foley

Thomas McCormack; Titanic Survivor, 82
Thomas J. McCormack, 82, of the John F. Kennedy Arms, 70 Westfield Ave., Elizabeth, who survived the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, died today in Elizabeth General Hospital.Mr. McCormack was returning to America from Ireland aboard th...
Memories of a Titanic Night
He Recalls Sinking 62 Years Ago---The Easter season is never a completely happy time for Tom McCormack of Elizabeth, N.J. It always brings memories of his escape from the sinking Titanic, which went down in the freezing Atlantic 62 years ...
1976 letter from Mrs. Snyder about her experience on Titanic
By letter postmarked 11/22/76, Mrs. Rawley Miller (Mrs. Snyder's daughter) was so wonderful as to send me the following typewritten letter, signed by Mrs. Snyder, with a handwritten note from Mrs. Miller. Dear...

Arthur O'Keefe
3rd Class Passenger