Encyclopedia Titanica


Rockford Daily Register Gazette

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Established 1840 - Twelve Pages


Young Woman Reaches Rockford Today, in Company of Her Uncle


Dagmar Bryhl one of the 705 passengers who escaped from the ill-fated Titanic when that steamer went down on the morning of Monday, April 15, reached Rockford this morning.
Miss Bryhl was in the company of her uncle, Oscar Lustig, 511 Pearl street, who went to New York last Thursday to find his niece and bring her to Rockford.

Mr. Lustig and his niece arrived over the Chicago Burlington & Quincy railroad at 6:30 o'clock this morning. The young woman was taken immediately to the Lustig residence, given a room in a secluded portion of the house and put to bed.
She had not fully recovered from the strain and excitement which at_____ the sinking of the Titanic and the events which occurred, afterward and the end of the long journey from New York to Rockford found her in such a state that she was allowed to go to sleep immediately after she arrived at the Lustig home and all callers were barred from conversation with her.
It will take several days at least before the young woman has recovered from the shock so that she is again in a normal state and it will take a great deal longer before she has fully recovered from the harrowing experience and the effects of the long exposure in an open boat at sea.

Fails to Recollect Much

Mr. Lustig who spoke for his niece this morning said that the young woman has not a very clear recollection of many of the thing that went on during the night of horror.
She has been very reticent about relating the occurrences of the night and the story of her experience has _____ from ____ only its fragments thus far, but it nevertheless is sufficient to show fully the horror which the night of the sinking of the ship and the despair which most of them suffered upon reaching New York, to learn that all their loved ones had found a grave in the watery deep.

Felt Icebergs Were Near

Miss Bryhl was in the second cabin of the Titanic, a New York woman sharing the cabin with her. Only a short distance away were her brother, Curt Bryhl, and her sweetheart, Ingvar Enander.
The young people had enjoyed a happy trip up to Sunday night especially Miss Bryhl and Mr. Enander, who had only recently become engaged be married and whose wedding was only a matter of a few months distant.
Sunday night they were seated on the deck when suddenly the liner seemed to plunge into a region of cold air. The cold grew in intensity until many passengers were forced to return to their cabins and others who desired to remain outside put on their heaviest wraps.
Late in the evening the cold was so intense that even with the heaviest wraps on passengers were unable to remain on deck and nearly everybody was in the saloons or in their respective cabins.
That the ship was either approaching or in the midst of ice was plainly apparent on account of the intense cold. There was no slackening in the speed of the liner, however, which slipped through the water at a steady and rapid gait.

Shock Was Not Severe

Miss Bryhl was in her cabin but she had not retired when she felt a jar, not very severe, but strong enough to indicate that something out of the ordinary had occurred.
She and her cabin-mate together with other second cabin passengers rushed out only to be informed by ship officers that there was no danger.
Miss Bryhl returned to her cabin and prepared to retire as did hundreds of other passengers, when Mr. Enander came to the door of the cabin stating that the ladies must come forth. The young man had a feeling of danger and told his sweetheart that he was sure that something was wrong no matter what the ship's officers might have to say.
The party hurried to the deck where they found the lifeboats already being loaded.

Begs For Companions

The young woman was picked up by Mr. Enander and carried toward one of the boats. When Miss Bryhl hear the order that only women were to be allowed in the lifeboats she seized her sweetheart and begged that both her and her brother, who stood by her side would be allowed in the lifeboat.
She clung to the young men, begging and pleading that as the boat was only half full, they be allowed to enter the lifeboat, but they were torn from her side and the last she knows of them they were standing on deck, bidding her be of good cheer, as they both were certain they would be saved. Evidently the young men felt, like a great majority of the Titanic's passengers, that the danger to the ship was not serious and that the lifeboats were being lowered and sent away more as a precautionary measure than anything else.

Tossed Hours On Sea

The boat in which Miss Bryhl was tossed for hours on the sea, which fortunately was as smooth as a mirror with a clear starry sky overhead. The night was beautiful in the extreme, but the passengers in the boats, shivering in their insufficient clothing and in agony at being torn from relatives and friends had little time to think of the grandeur of the scene.
Several members of the crew were in the boat and they _____ a long ways from the ship. Several men floundering about in the water were pulled in but when the last rescue had been made the boat was by no means full. There would have been room for a great many more in the boat, at least a dozen, and perhaps a score.

Could Not Watch Liner Sink

The small boats from the Titanic drew a good ways away from the ship but they were not so far out that the liner could be plainly seen settling down into the water as the minutes glided swiftly by.
The passengers in the boats could see the ship lowering little by little, the lights on board making the liner stand out in bold relief against the sky.
Finally Miss Bryhl and the survivors in her boat saw the end was near. The boat began to point down swiftly and the ship dives almost straight down. At this stage Miss Bryhl says she could not bear to look. The scene was too agonizing. Apparently there was no escape for the hundreds of people (?) mostly men who crowded the rails.
She shut her eyes and turned away, and when she turned to look again there was no trace of the monster liner, and agonized cries resounded from the water on every hand. Soon even the cries ceased and aside from the few lifeboats and a mass of wreckage there was nothing to indicate that the pride - of - the - ocean had only a few minutes before been triumphantly ablaze over the spot.

Floated for Seven Hours

For seven hours the boat in which Miss Bryhl was saved floated before the Carpathia ____ in sight. The air was keen and the women and the men were nearly frozen before they were picked up.
Miss Bryhl wore nothing but a coat over her nightgown, a covering altogether insufficient to keep out the cold of the frosty night, and it was with a sigh of relief that the approach of the Cunard liner was seen.
On board the Carpathia the Titanic survivors were given a drink of brandy and hot coffee and were allowed to retire. Miss Bryhl says that there was nothing extraordinary in the treatment accorded the Titanic passengers on the Carpathia. The food was plentiful but it did not seem of the best kind and the young woman subsided mainly on a diet of oranges until she arrived in New York.

Were Kept in Suspense

The agony of the night at sea was not greater than the agony which the Titanic's survivors endured on the Carpathia. Miss Bryhl did not know if her brother and sweetheart were lost or saved. She kept hoping against hope, thinking that possibly they might have been picked up by some other steamer as she knew that they were not among the survivors on the Carpathia.
It was not until last Saturday, just a short time before her uncle reached her, that she read a New York paper and discovered that both the young men were in the list of lost.
Miss Bryhl was taken from the Carpathia after that steamer arrived in New York, by the woman who had shared her cabin on the Titanic, and placed in the New York Hospital for Deformities and Joint diseases at 1915-1919 Madison Avenue. She remained at the hospital until (Continued on Page Ten) Saturday, when she, in company with a "Swedish woman, ventured out, in search of information. She was at the Metropolitan building when she was found by her uncle.
The task of locating the young woman was somewhat difficult for Mr. Lustig. Having been taken from the Carpathia by the New York woman she was not listed by any of the relief committees and it was only after a long and careful search that Mr. Lustig was able to find his niece.

Saved Only Her Watch

Of all of Miss Bryhl's belongings she saved only her watch, which was a present from her sweetheart. She chanced to wear the watch suspended from a chain, hung about her neck, which accounts for the fact that she bore it in safety from the liner.
The only clothing she possessed when she arrived on the Carpathia was a night gown and a coat, and a complete new outfit was necessary for her before she was able to leave the hospital to which she was taken from the boat.

Cannot Recollect Band

Many of the incidents related by other Titanic survivors cannot be recollected by Miss Bryhl, who was too agonized with fear for the safety of her sweetheart and her brother to realize fully what was passing abut her.
She has no recollection of the ship's band playing as the liner went down and says that if the band had been in her own lifeboat she probably would not have heard it, so intent were her thoughts on the loved ones she left on shipboard.

Would Have Elected to Die

Had I thought that my sweetheart and my brother were in such danger I would never have left the ship, said Miss Bryhl. Both seemed confident that they would be saved, but had I even had a hint of what was about to occur nothing could have kept me from them. It was not until the ship began to settle rapidly that we in the boat saw the end was so near and then, of course, it was too late for any further aid."

Will Probably Go Back

Miss Bryhl will probably return to her home in Sweden after she has remained here long enough to fully regain her strength and to recover from the shock she sustained. Relatives here think it likely that her father, who is a stationmaster at Skara, Sweden, will come to Rockford after her. The young woman notified her father and the father of her sweetheart of the loss of the two young men by letter from New York.
She will be kept at the Lustig home until she has fully recovered, relatives here having determined not to let her go until she has regained her strength completely.
The young woman has borne up bravely considering the loss she sustained and the horrible experience she passed through. She seems to have an abundance of pluck and nerve and in New York she surprised many be her courageous manner. She feels keenly the loss of her sweetheart and brother and is on the verge of a breakdown every time the subject of the loss of the ship and her dear friends is broached.
Miss Bryhl is a talented young woman. She was given an excellent education in Sweden and speaks English, French and German. She also writes English well and has had little trouble in reading accounts of the wreck in American papers. She is but twenty years of age and for such a young woman has borne up wonderfully well under the heavy burdens which have been laid upon her.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) DAGMAR BRYHL TELLS OF TITANIC DISASTER (Rockford Daily Register Gazette, Thursday 25th April 1912, ref: #1816, published 21 November 2003, generated 29th November 2024 11:23:44 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/dagmar-bryhl-tells-titanic-disaster.html