Among the missing is George Henry Hickley, a Derby man, who was a steward on board the ill-fated liner. He was well known in the Rowditch district of the town, as he often visited his sister, Mrs. Knowles, wife of Mr. Knowles, of the Lonsdate Dairy, Uttoxeter Road. Six years ago he obtained a berth with the White Star Company as a steward, and he was on the Olympic before being placed on the Titanic. In a letter to his sister on Saturday, April, 6th, he stated that he passed through Derby on Tuesday (April 2nd) as he and about a hundred others of the Olympic crew went to fetch the Titanic from Belfast Lough to Southampton. Speaking of the trip, he said they had a fine run down from Belfast, hardly knowing they were on board, and that the Titanic seemed a great deal better than the Olympic, which he called an unlucky ship. Hickley was a single man, aged 39 years and he came of a well known family of Derbyshire farmers - the Hickleys, of Radbourne.
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