E. Z. Taylor of Philadelphia, one of the survivors, jumped into the sea just three minutes before the boat sank, He told a graphic story as he came from the Carpathia.
"I was eating when the boat struck the iceberg," he maid. "There was an awful shock that made the boat tremble from stem to stern. I did not realize for some time what had happened, No one seemed to know the extent of the accident. We were told an Iceberg had been struck by the ship. I felt the boat rise and it seemed to me that it was riding over the lee. I ran out on the deck and then 1 could see ice. It was a veritable sea of ice and the boat was rocking over it. I should say that parts of the Iceberg were eighty feet high, but it had been broken into sections, probably by our ship.
"I jumped into the ocean and was picked up by, one of the boats.
"I never expected to see land again. I remained on board the boat until the lights went out. It seemed to me that the discipline on .board was wonderful."
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