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New York Times

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Feb. 10---Richard Croker, Thomas F. Grady,John R Sexton. and John F. Carroll, well-known Tammany men, whohave been in Florida since last Sunday afternoon, arrived here to-dayfrom Rock Ledge, on the Indian River, where they have been since lastTuesday.

When THE NEW-YORK TIMES'S correspondent met them at their hotel Mr.Croker was looking at a cartoon in a New-York illustrated paper, inwhich, among other things, appeared the words, "Politicians makebetter city officers than business men," with his name attached to thesentiment.

"I never said the words attributed to me," remarked Mr. Croker. "I haveseen the misquotation in several forms, one being to the effectthat I have said that business men do not make good publicofficials. I'll tell you what I did say. It was this: That ifbusiness men when they go into public life would pay one-tenth part theattention to their official duties that they do to their own businessaffairs they would make much better office holders than they do.

"Now, the fact is that a business man may pay lots of attention topolitics and never be called a politician, but the moment he acceptspublic office he is known at once as a politician, no matter if hestill devotes much more time to business than to politics.

"No, I am not opposed to the appointment of business men to publicoffice and never have been. I have simply been misrepresented, that isall.
Mr. Croker was asked if he had seen the reports as to the probableappointment of Isidor Straus of New-York as Postmaster General in Mr.Cleveland's Cabinet

He replied that he had read all that the New-York papers had said about it.

"What do you think of Mr. Straus for the Cabinet, Mr. Croker? Would such an appointment be a good one in your opinion?"

"It would, indeed. I can surely and conscientiously indorse IsidorStraus for Postmaster General. His appointment would suit me. It wouldnot be displeasing to Tammany Hall as an organization. Mr.Straus is a business man---a first-class one, too. Now, if I wereopposed to business men as public officials, I wouldn't favor Mr.Straus, would I? Of course not. I'm not opposed to business men inpolitical offices. As I said before, I have been misrepresented.

''I've known Mr. Straus many years. He is an able, successful merchant,and a good Democrat, too--one of the finest. I know the wholefamily---lsidor and his two brothers. They have been for years in thechinaware trade In New-York City. They are very extensive importers.Either one of them would make an excellent officer for a businessposition in the new Democratic Cabinet.

"They are all New-Yorkers, bred there and thoroughly familiar with thebusiness and the political situation there, and in all parts of thecountry. I repeat I would most heartily indorse the appointment ofIsidor Straus, if made."

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) FAVORS ISIDOR STRAUS (New York Times, Saturday 11th February 1893, ref: #4662, published 11 August 2005, generated 29th November 2024 05:45:06 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/favors-isidor-straus.html