Encyclopedia Titanica

Four Are Saved In Philadelphia Family

Washington Times

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NEW YORK, April 19---William E. Carter, Mrs. William E. Carter, William T. Carter, and Lucille Carter, all of Philadelphia, were saved. All showed evidence of the terrible strain they had undergone. Mrs. Carter was a nervous wreck, but she bore up bravely. Arrangements were made for a special train to convey them to Philadelphia today.

Much shaken by his experience and his face showing lines of suffering, Mr. Carter declared in a voice filled with emotion that the sinking of the Titanic, with its attending night of terror, seemed like a horrible nightmare that had left its indelible stamp in the human brain.

"Terrible, terrible," he said, pressing his hand in weariness against his forehead. "No pen can ever depict and no tongue can ever describe adequately the terrors of our experience. Everywhere was a cold, hopeless despair and grief in its most hellish forms. Some were dumb with horror; others beat their breasts like things crazed; and a few laughed hysterically and insanely.

"As the Titanic sped along in a clear, starlight night no one had any thought of danger.

"Then came a terrible crash; people were tossed and rolled about; women screamed with terror, and strong men turned pale with fear. There was a mad rush for the boats. Men grabbed life buoys for their loved ones and adjusted them with trembling fingers. Half-naked people rushed up the companionways to the decks.

"The coolness of Captain Smith and the other ship's officers was little short of wonderful. In a few minutes they had succeeded in calming almost everybody, and many of the first class passengers stood with them in bringing order. They quieted the fears of the passengers with the assurance that there was no great danger, and that the big ship could not sink.

"At one time a number of them made a rush for the boats, and officers fired shots, killing four or fire [sic] Italians."


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Four Are Saved In Philadelphia Family (Washington Times, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #4071, published 29 October 2004, generated 28th November 2024 10:02:35 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/four-are-saved-philadelphia-family.html