Encyclopedia Titanica

Guinness 'Titanic' TV advert banned

Irish Independent

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Guinness 'Titanic' TV advert banned
Drinks commercial does not survive Titanic treatment

A Guinness 'Titantic' ad has been banned because it could have caused offence to descendants of people who lost their lives in the tragedy.

SINKING a pint has taken on a whole new meaning for Diageo Guinness.

Their television advertising campaign for a pint of the black stuff featuring RMS Titanic [and filmed in the acclaimed Titanic bar/restaurant in Cobh [Queenstown]) has been slammed by the Advertising Standards Authority as it could have caused offence to the children or grandchildren of victims of the Titanic tragedy.

According to the Advertising Standards Authority the Titanic ad had given rise to a significant number of complaints.

The commercial had a number of scenes where two men discussed the best pint of Guinness, and in the third scene one of the men says the best pint is always your last. As the man orders a pint an RMS Titanic sign appears and the set tilts.

The complainants told the ASAI they considered the commercial insensitive when the viewing audience could have included descendants of Titanic victims.

But the advertisers, Diageo Guinness, and Irish International Agency said it was not their intention to cause offence. The allusion to the Titanic was humorous, rather that a direct reference to the disaster 92 years ago.

The complaint was upheld, meaning the expensive advertisement can no longer be shown.


Senan Molony, Ireland

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Guinness 'Titanic' TV advert banned (Irish Independent, ref: #3669, published 3 September 2004, generated 26th November 2024 05:15:36 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/guinness-titanic-tv-advert-banned.html