Encyclopedia Titanica

Had Premonition of Disaster

Nurse in Home of Mrs. J. B. Earnshaw Distrusted Early Despatches of Safety of Passengers

Evening Bulletin

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A curious instance of the premonitions which are communicated to members of a family or even a household in time of disaster, was illustrated in the case of Miss Gaynor, the trained nurse in charge of the Mt. Airy home of Mrs. Boulton Earnshaw, a passenger on the steamship Titanic.

The first shock of the reported wreck of the Titanic was followed by reassuring despatches, declaring no life had been lost. Despite her eagerness to be optimistic, Miss Gaynor felt instinctively that the truth had not been told.

"There is something wrong," she declared Monday, when the first news of the sunken Titanic was printed. "I feel that the whole truth has not been told. Something tells me that Mrs. Earnshaw and Mrs. Potter are in great danger." Later despatches confirmed her fears.

Although no reassuring word has been received at the Earnshaw home, Miss Gaynor states her confident belief in the safety of both Mrs. Earnshaw and Mrs. Potter whose names are on the list of those saved. Preparations are now being made for the homecoming of Mrs. Earnshaw, who is expected to come directly ! to this city on her arrival in New York.

Although no word has been received in this city from Mrs. Thomas Potter, Jr., widow of Colonel Thomas Potter, and her daughter, Mrs. Boulton Earnshaw, of Mt. Airy, their relatives feel sure they are safe on the Carpathia, as has been announced by the White Star Line.

Mrs. Potter is a sister-in-law of William Potter, formerly Minister to Italy. She is the mother of Wilson Potter, prominent in club circles in this city, and an athlete of note. Her husband, Colonel Potter, was president of the firm of Thomas Potter Sons Company, manufacturers of oil cloth, at 2d st. and Erie ave. He died in December, 1910.

Mrs. Earnshaw is the wife of Boulton Earnshaw, purchasing agent for the University of Pennsylvania. He lives at 7423 Boyer st., Mt. Airy. Before her marriage Mrs. Earnshaw was Miss Olive Potter. Mrs. Charles M. Hays and Miss Hays, of Buffalo, went abroad with Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Earnshaw. They visited the Holy Land.

According to the wireless operators on the Carpathia all in the party were saved. Mrs. S. W. Wilson, mother of Mrs. Potter, makes her home at the Boyer st address. She is ill and nothing has been said to her about the sinking of the Titanic.

Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Earnshaw and Mrs. Hays and her daughter booked their passage on the Titanic from Turkey, and had to hurry to reach the steamer, which later nearly caused their deaths. If they had missed the Titanic they would have come to this country on the Olympic, a week later.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Had Premonition of Disaster (Evening Bulletin, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #3801, published 24 September 2004, generated 10th November 2024 08:31:13 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/had-premonition-disaster.html