Encyclopedia Titanica

Hero of Titanic Lifeboat '13,' Which Rescued Mrs. Astor, Dies

Hudson Dispatch

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Robert Hopkins, Hoboken, Was Crew Member on Ill-Fated Steamer
Robert Hopkins, 66, of 1035 Garden st., Hoboken, who died early yesterday morning at St. Mary's Hospital, was a survivor of the steamship Titanic which was sunk by an iceberg in the North Atlantic in April, 1912. Mr. Hopkins was a member of the crew, and was in charge of lifeboat No. 13, which carried Mrs. John Jacob Astor, the former Madeline Force, to safety.

Mr. Astor and the former Miss Force had been married shortly before the disaster, and were 2 of the many who had succeeded in booking passage to America in the Titanic, which was on her maiden voyage. The ship struck an iceberg and went under in a short time. Astor had pleaded to accompany his young wife, hut was refused. He then handed her into the care of Mr. Hopkins and went down with the ship. Later Mrs. Astor presented him with a purse for being instrumental in saving her life.

Mr. Hopkins was a rigger. His wife was the late Anna Graham Hopkins. Two sons survive, one of them, Thomas J., is in the British Army; Robert H. is home. Born 1n Ireland, Mr. Hopkins spent the greater part of his life in America.

The funeral will be at 8 o'clock tomorrow from the Bosworth Funeral Home. A requiem mass will be celebrated at 9 o'clock at Our Lady of Grace Church. Interment will be in Holy Name Cemetery.

[Note: Mr. HopkinsĀ’ grave in Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, is unmarked.]


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Hero of Titanic Lifeboat '13,' Which Rescued Mrs. Astor, Dies (Hudson Dispatch, Thursday 18th November 1943, ref: #3170, published 9 July 2004, generated 7th October 2024 03:54:43 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/hero-titanic-lifeboat-13-which-rescued-mrs-astor-dies.html