Miss Anna Kelly, with Chicago Cousins, Beset by Scenes of Wreck and Weakened by Exposure
A nervous wreck as the result of her experiences on the Titanic, Miss Anna Kelly is at the home of her cousins, Anna and Mary Garvey, 306 Eugenie street, with a physician constantly in attendance. Efforts are being made to save the reason of the young woman, who was one of the last sterrage passengers to escape from the ill fated boat. She has been unable to sleep, haunted by the wild scenes on the boat just before it went down, and is still suffering from the hours of exposure before she was picked up by the Carpathia. "Miss Kelly is a nervous wreck," said Dr. Thomas J. O'Malley, who is attending her. "I doubt is she ever will completely recover her normal condition. Her life is in jeopardy now. Unless she can overcome her awful fear and terror at every sound, I fear for her life." Despite her condition the young waomsn gave a graphic account of the wreck and ehr escape in one of the last lifeboats to leave the ship. She blames the stewards for not awakening the steerage passengers in time, declaring that the first steerage passengers to become alarmed were ordered to go back to bed "because there was no danger."
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Captain and Passengers Say THey Saw More than 150 Bodies Floating Near Scene of Disaster
New York, April 24-[Special]-- Capt. Wilhelm and passengers of the Bremen, which arived today from Bremen, reported that between 3 and 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, while in latitude 42 N, longitude 49.23 W., in the vicinity of where the Titanic foundered, his vessel ploughed through fields of bodies of the victims of the disaster. "They were everywhere," the captain declared, "There were men, women, and children. All had life preservers on. I counted 125, then grew sick of the sight. There may have been as many as 150 or 200 bodies." "A short time before, about fifty or sixty miles north, we passed five icebergs in succession. Oue lookout sighted them in time, however, and we had no difficulty in avoiding them." "Why didn't you slow down and take on some of the bodies," he was asked. "It was absolutely useless, for the simple reason that we had no means for caring for them." He said that he knew that the cable steamer Mackay-Bennett was searching for bodies and that he had communicated with its commander, informing him of where the bodies were.
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