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A daily contemporary contained the following on Friday:- ''On his arrival at St. John's (Nova Scotia) yesterday by the steamer Corsican, the Rev. A. C. Crosfield, of Hartford Vicarage Hunts., learned for the first time of the disaster to the Titanic, on which was his adopted son, whom, says the Exchange Telegraph Co., he was to meet at Detroit preparatory to a holiday trip in Canada, and realising there was very little hope that his son had arrived, he determined to return to England by the first steamer.''
Mr. Reginald C. Coleridge, who is referred to in the above paragraph, was very popular in Huntingdon and district, and had much to do with the organisation of the Boy Scouts there. At a memorial service held in St. Mary's Church, Huntingdon, on Sunday, reference was made to Mr. Coleridge's noble character and his readiness to help in any good work. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Crosfield in his bereavement.
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