Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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Want White Star Liners to Continue Calling at Queenstown
LONDON, March 7---The Postmaster General, Mr. Buxton, to-day received an
influential deputation of Irish members of Parliament and
representatives of the commerce of Ireland and the North of England, who
called on him regarding the proposed change of the calling port of the
White Star Line steamers from Queenstown to Plymouth on their homeward

Mr. Buxton expressed his sympathy with the members of the deputation,
who were opposed to the change, and promised that if he could do so
diplomatically he would make representations on the subject to the
United States Government. He pointed out, however, that the Postmaster
General had no control over the homeward mails. The matter rested
entirely in the hands of the American Government, through the latter had
no definite arrangement with the White Star Line, which would enable it
to influence the company as regarded its ports of call.

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Sydney Buxton


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2007) IRISH M. P.'S PROTEST (New York Times, Friday 8th March 1907, ref: #5620, published 12 September 2007, generated 5th December 2024 08:23:12 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/irish-m-ps-protest.html