Encyclopedia Titanica


Washington Herald

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Head of White Star Line, Under Guard, Makes First Statement
New York, April 18---Mr. J. Bruce Ismay left the ship at about 11:15 o’clock to-night and went to the rear of the dock where the offices of the Cunard Line are located. He was guarded by detectives and only a limited number of newspaper men were admmitted to his room. He wore a new suit of clothes and one of the new fashioned scotch caps. He gave out a carefully prepared statement at his desk. His statement was read by one of the officers of the White Star Line and then some one asked:

“On what boat did you leave the Titanic?”

He said:

“What do you mean? I don’t know what you mean.”

He was asked on what boat he left the ship and replied:

“I left on a boat leaving from the center.”

He was asked what the number of the boat was and replied: “The last one. I left from the starboard forward collapsible, the last boat to leave.”

He said regarding the collision that the Titanic hit the iceberg a glancing blow, and that she slid off, and that in his opinion and in the opinion of experts, she tore out a large part of her keel. He then went on to state as follows:

“In the presence and under the shadow of a catastrophe so overwhelming, my feelings are too deep for expression in words. I have only to say that the White Star Line, its officers, and employes, will do everything possible to alleviate the suffering and sorrows of the survivors and the relatives and friends of those who have perished. The Titanic was the last word in shipbuilding.

“Every regulation prescribed by the British Board of Trade had been complied with. The master, officers, and crew were the most experienced and skilled in the British service. I am informed that a committee of the United States Senate has been appointed to investigate the circumstances of the accident.

“I heartily welcome the most complete and exhaustive inquiry, and any aid that I or my associates or our builders or navigators can render is at the service of the public and the governments of both the United States and Great Britain. Under these circumstances, I must respectfully defer making a further statement at this time.”

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) ISMAY OUTLINES VIEW OF WRECK (Washington Herald, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #4113, published 2 November 2004, generated 4th December 2024 07:21:50 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/ismay-outlines-view-wreck.html