Encyclopedia Titanica


Camden Daily Newspaper

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Mrs. Helen A. Rosenquist, 58, a survivor of the Titanic disaster, died Friday at her home, 6120 West Walnut Avenue, Pennsauken township. She was the wife of Capt. Axel J. Rosenquist, maritime officer, and had been ill several months.
Mrs. Rosenquist was the former Helen A. Wilson. She was one of the passengers who boarded the Titanic at Southampton, England, in April, 1912 for the maiden voyage of the then world's largest liner. When the ship struck an iceberg off the Newfoundland coast she was among the throng of men and women who crowded the decks. Mrs. Rosenquist was placed in a lifeboat and was one of the 690 rescued. More than 1500 persons including 103 women and 53 children, were lost when the huge $7,500,000 vessel went down.
Mrs. Rosenquist is survived also by two daughters, Esther, who lived with her parents, and Mrs. William Matlack, of Delair; a sister, Mrs. Thomas Beirns of Orange, and a brother, Peter Wilson, of Plainfield. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Earl T. Hann, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, at 2 P.M. tomorrow at the Rosenquist home. Members of Chapter 125, Order of Eastern Star, will conduct rites Monday night. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) MRS. HELEN ROSENQUIST, TITANIC SURVIVOR, DIES (Camden Daily Newspaper, Monday 4th December 1939, ref: #322, published 28 August 2003, generated 8th November 2024 07:05:43 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/item-322.html