Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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No Worry in Washington, Where He Is to Testify Some Time About Steel and
Lords Deceis [sic; should be "Decies"] and Camoys, with Their American
Brides, Also on the Olympic---So is Tappe, the Man Milliner
One name that did not appear on the passenger list of the White Star
liner Olympic, which sailed at noon yesterday for Southampton, was that
of J. P. Morgan, who went aboard fifteen minutes before sailing and went
straight to his suite, C 57, on the promenade deck. His approach was
heralded to the reporters by the appearance of J. P. Morgan, Jr.,
Herbert Satterlee, his son-in-law, and his four partners, H. P. Davison,
T. W. Lamont, Charles Steele, and William H. Porter. After bidding
good-bye to his partners and members of his family, he gave hurried
answers to several cablegrams lying on the table in his sitting room,
and talked of his plans to a TIMES reporter.

"I am going to Egypt," he said, "and should have left by the Adriatic
on the 2d of this month, but I could not get away. I am going up the
Nile from Cairo in a steel dahabeah that I have had constructed after my
own ideas of comfort."

"When are you coming back to New York?"

"That I do not know as my plans are not definitely fixed. I like Egypt
very much and enjoy the Winter climate there."

One of the passengers who did not know Mr. Morgan was aboard the Olympic
was Herman P. Tappé, the man milliner of Fifth Avenue, whom Mr. Morgan
had helped financially, and who went into bankruptcy recently. He
appeared on the ship with a nervous look and a big silver cigarette case
attached to his waist by a thick blue cord, which looked strong enough
to anchor a small schooner in a tumbling sea.

He was talking cheerfully to reporters outside Purser McElroy's cabin
when he was asked if he had seen Mr. Morgan.

"No," replied Mr. Tappé. "I have not. Is he here?" Then he became more
nervous, and suggested that the reporters take him down to the "E" deck
and show him the squash court.

Lord and Lady Decies also sailed on the Olympic. They are returning to
London after spending the Christmas holidays with the Gould family at
Georgian Court. Lord Decies, who looked in the best of health, said that
Lady Decies was not quite up to the mark, but he hoped that the ocean
breezes would do her good. They would return again next year, he said.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel saw them off. Lord and Lady Camoys sailed
unexpectedly on the Olympic in answer to a cable message received on
Friday from London, saying that the dowager Lady Camoys was very ill in
London. Lord Camoys said that he and his wife would return in a month on
account of the illness of William Watts Sherman, Lady Camoys's father.

Thousands went to the White Star pier to see the 700 cabin passengers
away on the Olympic, and walked up and down her huge decks eagerly
searching for their friends on the various spacious decks, but Chief
Steward Latimer managed to have them all down the gangway at 12 o'clock,
the hour of sailing.

Just as the gangway was going to be lowered away there was a cry of
"Avast heaving there!" and several porters ran up carrying uniform
cases, tin baths, tents, a camp stove, and all kinds of impedimenta used
by British Army officers in India. After this had been deposited by the
gangway inboard two officers wearing their traveling kit and cavalry
hats came along nonchalantly and calmly walked up the gangway amid
shouts of "Buck up! Get a move on! Are you going on the ship or not?" To
these excited cries the two officers paid no heed, and the rear one
deliberately stopped and pulled out his handkerchief and flicked off a
speck of dust from his starboard shoe. Then they stepped aboard ship and
innocently remarked to Chief Steward Latimer, "Were you waiting for

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Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2008) J. P. MORGAN SAILS; IS GOING TO EGYPT (New York Times, Sunday 31st December 1911, ref: #6048, published ">28 March 2008, generated 12th September 2024 01:01:51 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/j-p-morgan-sails-for-egypt.html