Encyclopedia Titanica

Ismay, James [sic] Bruce

Encyclopaedia of Ships and Shipping

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Ismay, James [sic] Bruce (b. Liverpool, 1862). President and Managing Director of the International Mercantile Marine Co. Educated Harrow, and on leaving school entered the office of Messrs. Ismay, Imrie and Co. (White Star Line).

After serving some time in Liverpool, he went to New York as agent of the company, and on his return to Liverpool in 1891 became a partner in the firm, and on the death of his father, in November, 1899, became chairman of the White Star Line, which now owns 31 steamers, aggregating over 360,000 tons.

He is a director of many leading public companies in England, among which may be mentioned the L. and N.-W. Ry., the Liverpool, London, and Globe Insurance Co., and the Sea Insurance Co.

He carried to a successful issue the negotiations with Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, by which the White Star Line was, in 1902, incorporated in the International Mercantile Marine Co., and in 1904, on the retirement of Mr. C. A. Griscom from the Presidency, he was unanimously elected to fill his place.


From Encyclopaedia of Ships and Shipping, edited by
Herbert B. Mason, London: The Shipping Encyclopaedia, Ltd., 1908.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2007) Ismay, James [sic] Bruce (Encyclopaedia of Ships and Shipping, , ref: #5698, published 23 October 2007, generated 29th November 2024 03:31:30 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/james-bruce-ismay.html