Encyclopedia Titanica

John Cotter, Harbor Pilot for Queenstown

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John Cotter, Harbor Pilot for Queenstown

To all who are interested in John Cotter, Harbor Pilot for Queenstown

My name is Peter Gauthier and I am the Great, Great Grandson of said John Cotter.

Specifically, one of his daughters Maggie or Margaret, who my mother is named for, was my Great Grandmother.

My family knew that John was a harbor pilot for Cobh (Queenstown) for some time but never knew until my mother visited Cobh in the 90's that he had lead the Titanic out that morning. I am a bit of a history buff and since no one seems to have any authentic photos of John Cotter, I am offering our family photo for your consideration.

This has been in our family for many years and was taken in Boston when he came to visit his daughters.

He had two sons, John and William. William is shown in the photograph and very coincidentally, while doing some research on the ship William had supposedly gone down on, The Ship Jason, I came across an actual photograph of the wreck at an antique dealer in Massachusetts. His other son John was said to have "disappeared" to Australia.

On the back of the photograph lists the names of John Cotter's daughters, their husbands and their children. I am descended from Maggie on the far right who's husband, John Stanton, was absent at the time of the photo. I hope this photograph of John Cotter is of use to all those who are interested in the history of this tragedy.


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John Cotter


Peter Gauthier

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  1. austinbrucecotter austinbrucecotter
    my name is Bruce Cotter from New Zealand.  Is John Cotter, coneted to the Cotter family in NZ, as there a lot of as her. if so could you let me know. Email at [email][email protected][/email]  or on [email][email protected][/email] or on facebook, with thanks, Bruce
  2. David Murphy David Murphy
    My name is David Murphy. My grandmother was Mary (Cotter) Murphy, daughter of John Cotter. She married my grandfather, Daniel Murphy in Ireland before they emigrated to America in the 1920's. They raised four children in Boston, including my father, Daniel Murphy...who had 13 children. David Murphy Braintree, MA [email][email protected][/email]
  3. David Murphy David Murphy
    My name is David Murphy. My grandmother was Mary (Cotter) Murphy, daughter of John Cotter. She married my grandfather, Daniel Murphy in Ireland before they emigrated to America in the 1920's. They raised four children in Boston, including my father, Daniel Murphy...who had 13 children. David Murphy Braintree, MA [email][email protected][/email]
  4. Robert (2461) Robert (2461)
    I did come across this name from a different article John F. McDowell, from Springfield Australia who was saying he was the great great grandson of John Cotter for those of you that are interested. He must be family from the one that migrated to Australia. Robert Baruffaldi [email][email protected][/email]
  5. Robert (2461) Robert (2461)
    I did come across this name from a different article John F. McDowell, from Springfield Australia who was saying he was the great great grandson of John Cotter for those of you that are interested. He must be family from the one that migrated to Australia. Robert Baruffaldi [email][email protected][/email]
  6. gabet gabet
    Robert,Your great-grandfather is Francis (Frank J. Felton who was born at Queenstown (Ireland) on 13.03.1865, he was dead at Sommerville (Middlesex) on 20.03.1916. He was married on 28.02.1892 at Fichburg (Massachussets) with Ellen Holmes COTTER, who is probably the sisister of John Cotter, pilot of the Titanic If you want other informations you can write to [email][email protected][/email]
  7. gabet gabet
    Robert,Your great-grandfather is Francis (Frank J. Felton who was born at Queenstown (Ireland) on 13.03.1865, he was dead at Sommerville (Middlesex) on 20.03.1916. He was married on 28.02.1892 at Fichburg (Massachussets) with Ellen Holmes COTTER, who is probably the sisister of John Cotter, pilot of the Titanic If you want other informations you can write to [email][email protected][/email]
  8. Peter Gauthier (3368) Peter Gauthier (3368)
    For those trying to reach me, I apologize for the delayed responses. A new home, wife and child have kept me preoccupied for the past several years ; )[email][email protected][/email]
  9. Peter Gauthier (3368) Peter Gauthier (3368)
    For those trying to reach me, I apologize for the delayed responses. A new home, wife and child have kept me preoccupied for the past several years ; )[email][email protected][/email]
  10. Nathan Day Nathan Day
    Hi all, great to hear so many people from across the world with links to John Cotter! My mother is Rose Cotter, and her Grandad was John Cotter, via Edward, John's son. I've started looking into the family history in more detail and trying now to link up all of the people mentioned here! If you have any pictures of John, Hanoriah his wife and / or children I would appreciate it.Now in the UK but I have visited the lovely Cobh a few times, although not in a while - time for another visit when travel is allowed!Side note: There were apparently three John Cotters who were pilots at this time, so if anyone has any information on 'our' John's (born 14th June 1861) claim, again, it would be interesting to know.More info as I get it. This started as an aide to my daughter's school project but I will likely go much further...
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2007) John Cotter, Harbor Pilot for Queenstown ( ref: #5572, published 15 June 2007, generated 6th February 2025 05:44:00 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/john-cotter-harbor-pilot-for-queenstown.html