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New York Times

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Among those politicians who have been industriously at work during the last two weeks speculating as to the make-up of Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet, a new name was suggested yesterday. It was that of John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, who was said to be a possibility for the next Secretary of State. The discussion was based largely an a dispatch from Boston in which Mr. Adams was mentioned for that position.

Don M. Dickinson, who had been in consultation at Lakewood over Sunday  with Mr. Cleveland, came to this city last night. He went to the Hoffman  House. He said that he had no information to make public with reference to the conferences he had had with Mr. Cleveland of late.

The mention of the name of Mr. Isidor Straus for a Cabinet position gives satisfaction to a great many persons in this city. Mr. Straus is a brother of Mr. Oscar S. Straus, who so ably represented the American Government as Minister to Constantinople under Mr. Cleveland's former Administration, and he is well known as a successful business man.

He is not a politician, but has always acted with the Democratic Party and has been a liberal contributor. The Position for which he is named is that of Postmaster General.

Mr. Straus is about forty-five years of age. He is prominent in Hebrew circles. A second brother of Mr. Straus is Mr. Nathan Straus, the Park Commissioner.

[Note: As it turned out, neither Mr. Adams nor Mr. Straus became members of President Cleveland's Cabinet.]

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) JOHN QUINCY ADAMS AND ISIDOR STRAUS TALKED OF (New York Times, Tuesday 7th February 1893, ref: #4660, published 11 August 2005, generated 5th December 2024 12:24:46 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/john-quincy-adams-and-isidor-straus-talked-of.html