Encyclopedia Titanica

John Quinn: A brief biography

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John Quinn in the 1930sJohn Quinn was born in Belfast on 3rd March 1876 the son of ashoemaker, he was one of 7 sons who all worked as sailors or in theBelfast Docks as labourers. John, along with many others, tookpart in the Dock Strikes that occurred in Ireland during the earlydecade of the 20th century. Such was his vigor and determinationfor worker's rights during this time, he was blacklisted from workingin the docks and the family story is that he turned up for worked everyday for a period of 3 years but was never chosen. He had to usehis imagination (and someone else's work papers) in order to gainemployment again, this time as a sailor - the Titanic was thesecond ship he worked on after this period of unemployment. JohnQuinn signed on for work in March 1912 and along with the rest of thecrew boarded ship on 1st April 1912 as a fireman. The originalship's manifest for this journey (Crew List at the Public RecordOffice, Belfast, reference Trans/2a/45/381/c) states -

''the said crew shall be on board this steamer onMonday morning, 1st April 1912; Firemen at four o'clock, and Seamen atsix o'clock, and from that time until she is safely moored in one ofthe Southampton Docks they shall perform all work required of them bythe Officers in command without any further payment than is enteredagainst their names. Firemen to clean down after arrival as maybe required. Food and bedding will be provided on the way roundto Southampton, also tickets for the return journey to Belfast. Five shillings per day to be paid for detention in Belfast Lough,commencing from mid-night, Monday 1st April 1912.''

John Quinn and the other firemen were to be paid 3 shillings forthis voyage but were given extra money as they were detained fromsailing for an extra day because of bad weather. The crew weredischarged at Southampton on 4th April 1912 with comments of 'VG' (verygood) entered against their names for 'ability' and 'goodconduct'. It is a faimly story that John tried to enlist as acrew member on the Titanic's journey from Southampton but as the crew had already been signed up for this journey, John returned to Belfast.

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  1. Catherine O Scott Catherine O Scott
    if you are reading this siobhan its sinead your niece i have showed this bio to my class and they thought it was AWESOME so yeah my mom says hi (Catherine your sister) so yeah bye 
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) John Quinn: A brief biography ( ref: #4518, published 13 April 2005, generated 23rd January 2025 01:49:44 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/john-quinn-brief-biography.html