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Newark Evening News

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News that Gwinn Perished on Titanic Long Kept from Asbury Park Woman


Special Service of the NEWS

ASBURY PARK, April 26---It was not until today that the news of her husband’s death on the Titanic was told Mrs. William L. Gwinn, who is living in the Coleman apartments, with her two children, aged three years and six months, respectively. Mr. Gwinn was a mail clerk on the Titanic and perished with the three other mail clerks on the boat.

Mrs. Gwinn had been apprised of the disaster, but she had been led to believe that “Will was saved.” To carry out the deception what purported to be wireless messages were shown to the wife. These said that Gwinn had been saved; that he had been taken to England, and that he was now on his way to this country.

When the wife was finally told that her husband had gone down with the ship she collapsed, and is now suffering from shock. The Gwinns moved here from Kingston, N. Y., early in the spring.

Gwinn was in England when he was informed that his wife’s health was poor and was advised to sail for this country as soon as possible. He was one of the mail clerks on the Philadelphia, but he secured a transfer to the Titanic in order that he might reach New York as quickly as possible.

Gwinn, who was thirty-six years old, had been in the postal service six years. He was six feet four inches tall and of athletic build. He has a brother, Cornelius J. Gwinn, of Woodridge, in Bergen County.

Fourth Officer Boxhall, of the Titanic, has told Mr. Gwinn something of his brother’s death. Boxhall is the man who was sent below soon after the collision to examine into the extent of the damage. When he got down to E deck, where the mailroom was located, he says he found it awash. Gwinn was there in his nightclothes, having rushed down from his room two decks above. Three other clerks were also there and all were bundling registered mail in sacks. It is estimated that its value was $800,000.

Boxhall says that the four men loaded themselves with heavy sacks of mail and stumbled on decks. at that time the boats were being launched. He saw Gwinn leaning over the rail of the ship. There was no chance to take him off or save the mail. Boxhall saved himself and a short time later the boat went down.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) JUST TOLD SEA TOOK HUSBAND (Newark Evening News, Friday 26th April 1912, ref: #410, published 28 August 2003, generated 9th December 2024 09:23:53 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/just-told-sea-took-husband.html