Third cabin passengers on the lost Titanic who arrive in Chicago during the next few days will be met by representatives of the Immigrants’ Protective league and closely interrogated in regard to treatment received at the hands of officers and the crew during the disaster. Karl Midstjo, a young Norwegian who is coming here to join his uncle, Anton Lund, 3263 West Fullerton avenue, telegraphed his Chicago relatives to-day that he would arrive at midnight. At the same time a telegram arrived at the office of the Immigrants’’ Protective league telling them that Midstjo had started and advising local representatives to be at the train when he arrives.
“Several of us will be there,” said Miss Grace Abbott, director of the league, “and we shall get Midtsjo’s story. We have not yet secured enough evidence to know whether it will be necessary to start a formal investigation.
Hear Discrimination Rumors
"Rumors have reached us that third cabin passengers were not given an equal opportunity to reach the upper decks and get into the lifeboats, but you cannot give credence to every rumor you hear at a time like this. When we have talked with this young Norwegian and the Irish girls who are to arrive here within the next few days we shall know precisely what steps to take.
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