Coming to Open an American Branch of Her London Costume Shop
LONDON, Feb. 26---Lady Duff-Gordon sailed on the Lusitania to-day to put the finishing touches to preparations for opening her dressmaking establishment in New York, taking some 120 of the latest creations across in an effort to make New York's Four Hundred acquainted with the wonderful product of her genius known as "the dream dress."
Lady Duff-Gordon has been preceded by four beauteous models, who sailed Wednesday on the Adriatic and on whose delicate and shapely shoulders will be placed the burden of showing off the dream dresses, which represent love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death.
The dresses were shown at a farewell ceremony on Tuesday last. Among those present were the Duchess of Rutland, Lady Dudley, Lady Angela Forbes, and Mrs. Asquith.
The dresses were shown at a farewell ceremony on Tuesday last. Among those present were the Duchess of Rutland, Lady Dudley, Lady Angela Forbes, and Mrs. Asquith.
Lady Duff-Gordon's only fear is that, owing to the American youth's reputation for swift wooing she may arrive in New York to find four mannequins transformed into four "millionairesses."
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