Encyclopedia Titanica


Wells Journal

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One of the able seamen on the Titanic, Thomas Jones, a native of Anglesey has received the following letter from New York:-

''I feel I must write and tell you how splendidly you took charge of our boat on the fatal night. There were only four English people in it - my cousin (Lady Rothes), and her maid, you, and myself, and I think you were wonderful. The dreadful regret I shall always have, and I know you share with me, is that we ought to have gone back to see whom we could pick up, but if you remember, there was only an American lady, my cousin, self, and you who wanted to return.

I could not hear the discussion very clearly, as I was at the tiller, but everyone forward and the three men refused. But I shall always remember your words, ''Ladies, if any of us are saved remember I wanted to go back. I would rather drown with them than leave them'', you did all you could, and being my own countryman I wanted to tell you this''. Yours very truly Gladys Cherry.

It seems that Jones was in charge of a boat in which there were 35 ladies and three men. Captain Smith ordered him to row for a light which they saw in the distance, put the passengers in safety, and return to the Titanic as soon as possible. He failed to reached the light, and when he saw that the Titanic has sunk he wanted to go back and save some of those struggling in the water, but was overruled. After eight hours in the open boat they were picked up by the Carpathia.

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Thomas William Jones


Brian J. Ticehurst, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) LADY'S PRAISE OF A TITANIC SEAMAN (Wells Journal, Thursday 30th May 1912, ref: #3033, published 11 June 2004, generated 9th September 2024 03:02:26 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/ladys-praise-titanic-seaman.html