Encyclopedia Titanica

Lena Stoiber Rood Seeks Husband By Advertising

Denver Post

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He Was On Titanic - She Hopes He May Have Escaped Death.

Hoping against hope that her husband, Hugh Rood may have by some chance escaped death in the Titanic disaster, Mrs. Lena Stoiber Rood is making every effort to locate him, if he is alive. Failing in this she wishes to verify his death, but until it is verified she refuses to accept as final the report that when the Titanic went down, Hugh Rood also went to his death.

Mrs. Rood is at present at the Plaza Hotel, New York City, and the following advertisement appeared in the New York Herald:

INFORMATION WANTED concerning HUGH R. ROOD of Seatte, Wash. passenger on Titanic, occupying cabin 32. Deck A. Grateful for any news of his survival or death, by telegraph at my expense. Mrs. HUGH ROOD, Hotel Plaza, New York City.

Mrs. Rood, when questioned concerning a rumour that she had contemplated securing a divorce, indignantly denied it. To the interviewer she stated that, when her affairs were settled, it was her intention to return to Denver and make her home.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) Lena Stoiber Rood Seeks Husband By Advertising (Denver Post, Monday 6th May 1912, ref: #415, published 28 August 2003, generated 2nd December 2024 11:48:01 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/lena-stoiber-rood-seeks-husband-advertising.html