Sandringham, Norfolk,
December 29th, 1895.
Dear Mr. Stead,
—The Prince of Wales desires me to thank you for your letter, and to say that he fully appreciates the compliment you pay him when you ask him to assist you in your proposed work. His Royal Highness would have gladly lent his aid if it had been in his power, but he fears that an opportunity for doing so will hardly be given him. He directs me to mention that among serious hymns he thinks there is none more touching nor one that goes more truly to the heart than No. 7 on your list : " Nearer, my God, to Thee."
— Believe me, yours very truly, Francis Knollys.
[WT Stead was compiling a book of favourite hymns. The book was published under the title "Hymns that have helped."]
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