Encyclopedia Titanica


Newark Evening News

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NEW YORK, April 20---Karl H. Behr, the tennis player, who went to Australia in 1910 with the American team and was one of the Titanic’s survivors, tells that he was with a party of four, whom he hurried to the Titanic’s top deck at the first alarm.

“I knew exactly where the lifeboats were,” explained Mr. Behr today, “so we went to the top deck. All was perfectly calm. We waited while the first boat was being filled and lowered. We went in the second boat. At that time we supposed there were plenty of lifeboats for all the passengers. One of the ladies asked Mr. Ismay whether the men could go with her. I heard Mr. Ismay reply quietly:

“‘Why, certainly, madam.’

“We all got go into the boat. Even then it was not filled, and Mr. Ismay ordered an officer and two or three more of the crew to join us. We were apparently the last passengers on the top deck.”


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) LIFEBOAT NOT FILLED, KARL BEHR DECLARES (Newark Evening News, Saturday 20th April 1912, ref: #1118, published 28 August 2003, generated 27th November 2024 08:26:37 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/lifeboat-not-filled-karl-behr-declares.html