Encyclopedia Titanica


Mrs. Cardeza, of Philadelphia, Tells of Her Experience In Wreck

Washington Times

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Mrs. Cardeza, of Philadelphia, Tells of Her Experience In Wreck

NEW YORK, April 19---Among the survivors were Mrs. J. R. Cardeza, her son Thomas, and maid, Annie Ward, all of Philadelphia.

"We crashed into the iceberg," said Mrs. cardeza, "at about 12 o'clock at night. I cannot bear to recall it. I can only thank God that fate was kind to us.

"With the sinking of the Titanic there were all kinds of terrible reports, among which was that Captain Smith, when he was pushed aboard a life raft, dove into the deep rather than suffer the mariner's shame of being saved.

"Four died, I understand, in the lifeboats before we were picked up. The terrible cold killed them."


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) LIKE AWFUL DREAM, DECLARES WOMAN (Washington Times, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #4063, published 26 October 2004, generated 4th October 2024 05:34:15 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/like-awful-dream-declares-woman.html