Encyclopedia Titanica

Lord Pirrie's Will

The Times

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WILLIAM JAMES, first VISCOUNT PIRRIE, K.P., of Belgrave-square, W., and Witley Park, Surrey, chairman of Harland and Wolff, Belfast, Lord Mayor of Belfast, 1896-97, who died on board ship in the Panama Canal on June 7, left property in England of the gross value of £707,785, with net personalty £73,869.

The will states:---

"I make no bequests to charitable purposes as I have always felt that a man is better able to do during his lifetime all that is in his mind in that way, and so do good more directly and efficiently." He trusts "that the Treasury will not insist on immediate payment of death duties, but will permit them to be paid by easy installments, so as not to render necessary a forced sale of any shares held in Harland and Wolff."

Further details of Lord Pirrie's estate and will, including his disposition of his shares in Harland and Wolff, Limited, and his requests as to the future control and policy of that company, appeared in The Times of April 4 last.

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William James Pirrie


Mark Baber, USA


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  1. Mike Spooner Mike Spooner
    Hi Mark, Obituaries only the niceties are said of the person. As reading the story of Lord Kylsant, paints a very story of Pirrie when he becomes the Chairman of H&W. Pirrie may of been the greatest ship builder including his shipyards in Scotland. But as business man making profits in many ways was a failure! Racking up huge bank loans and struggling to pay of the over drafts to the point coming close to bankrupt H&W four times! Died in debt and not owning H&W too!
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2008) Lord Pirrie's Will (The Times, Saturday 9th May 1925, ref: #7860, published 30 July 2008, generated 9th October 2024 02:45:31 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/lord-pirrie-will.html