Encyclopedia Titanica


The San Francisco Call

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Morgan's Partner and Ship Builder Keenly Affected by Titanic Disaster
(Copyrighted 1912)
LONDON, June 1.---Lady Pirrie, wife of the great Irish shipbuilder, a
business partner of J. Pierpont Morgan, was so charmed with her sojourn in
New York last winter that she is likely to spend several months in the
United States during the coming fall. She made several tentative engagements
to visit in the west and is anxious to renew acquaintances there with
western women who have been her guests both at Ormiston, near Belfast, and
Lord Pirrie's London residence.

The only thing which has prevented Lady Pirrie from spending any length of
time in America is her close attachment to her distinguished husband. The
two are inseparable. Their devotion to each other is really remarkable.

Lord Pirrie's industrial and political responsibilities keep him so
constantly employed at home that he has little opportunity for travel. The
Titanic disaster affected him keenly, as he is one of the principal owners
of the White Star company. In many respects Lord Pirrie and Morgan are very
similar in character. Both are inveterate constructive organizers and both
are equally insatiable and discriminating collectors of rare artistic gems.

Related Biographies

John Pierpont Morgan
William James Pirrie
Lady Pirrie


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2012) LORD PIRRIE'S WIFE TO VISIT THE WEST (The San Francisco Call, Sunday 2nd June 1912, ref: #18593, published 7 June 2012, generated 27th September 2024 10:23:48 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/lord-pirries-wife-to-visit-the-west-18593.html