Encyclopedia Titanica

Loses Family by Wreck

Chicago American

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Nels Paulsson, a Chicago man living at 940 Thompson street, had learned to-day that he had lost his wife and four little children in the Titanic disaster. Although he knew that his family had embarked on the boat he had delayed making inquiry at the White Star offices until the Carpathia had brought in the survivors, hoping they would then be found safe and well. When he learned the truth he was prostrated with grief and was placed in the care of a physician. Those drowned were his wife, Alma Paulsson; Danira, eight years old; Folke, six years old; Christina, four years old; and Gustav, a baby of two. The latter was born after Paulssen had left his native village of Helsingborg, Sweden.

Chicago American, Monday, April 21, 1912, p. 2, c. &:


Thomas E. Golembiewski

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) Loses Family by Wreck (Chicago American, Sunday 21st April 1912, ref: #10133, published 9 June 2009, generated 8th February 2025 08:13:06 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/loses-family-by-wreck.html