Says Officer
A graphic description of the scene on the Titanic after the boats had gone is given by an Athlone survivor, Mr
He says he aroused two local lady passengers from his district and all three knelt down in the gangway and prayed. "We afterwards went to the second cabin deck," he continues, "and the two girls and myself got into a boat. An officer called on me to go back, but I would not stir. They then got hold of me and pulled me out. At the first cabin, when a boat was being lowered, an officer pointed a revolver and said if any man tried to get in he would shoot him on the spot. I saw the officer shot two men dead because they tried to get into the boat. Afterwards there was another shot, and I saw the officer himself lying on the deck. They told me he shot himself, but I did not see him. I was up to my knees in water at the time. Everyone was rushing around and there were no more boats. I then dived overboard and got in a boat.
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