Encyclopedia Titanica

Manchester Victims: Chief Electrical Engineer on the Titanic

Manchester Evening News

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Mr. Alfred S. Allsop, the chief electrical engineer of the Titanic, who, it is feared, has gone down in the ill-fated ship, was a Manchester man. He was about 35 years of age, and was born in Brunswick Street, C.-on-M., but he has not lived in the city for the last eight years.
Mr. Allsop was transferred from the Oceanic, another White Star Liner, about a fortnight ago, but has crossed the Atlantic in all about a hundred times in other vessels of the company, namely the Baltic and Majestic. He left Manchester to take up an appointment on the Baltic, and when the White Star officials changed their headquarters from Liverpool to Southampton he removed to the latter port.
Mr. Allsop was married about two years ago and had one child. he was well known in the Broughton district, where he lived for some time.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Manchester Victims: Chief Electrical Engineer on the Titanic (Manchester Evening News, Thursday 18th April 1912, ref: #2625, published 24 March 2004, generated 29th November 2024 03:39:43 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/manchester-victims-chief-electrical-engineer-titanic.html