Tuesday 23rd July 1912
The White Star Company had a Committee meeting on 23rd July 1912 at 10 Winter Street, Liverpool at 11.55am. Present Mr. J. Bruce Ismay (in the chair) and others.
During the meeting it was announced that the following cases were reported together with amounts paid into Court:
J. Penrose - 1st Class Bedroom Steward - Wages £3 15 0d - Dependants - Widow and child - £300.
March 1913
Number 557. Penrose, Florence Annie, widow. Florence Dorothy, child and Penrose, A. L. sister. All class B dependants.
Friday 19th June 1914
Case number C557. Reference to the application for payment of one years school fees at Skerrys College at the rate of £2 2s 0d per term in respect of Dorothy Penrose (daughter). The Committee suggests that she should attend Evening School and that for practice during the day that a Typewriter should be hired and the cost of which the Committee would defray thus leaving the Apprenticeship Grant still open.
Friday 18th September 1914
Case number C557. That a grant of 8/- be paid to Miss Penrose to cover the cost of eyeglass.
November 1914
Case Number 557. Penrose. Annie Penrose, partially dependent sister, aged 48 years receiving 3/6d per week. She is a frail woman and injured her heart by lifting her heavy patient; in consequence, though she is boarded and lodged, her wages are expended for assistance in the discharge of such of her heavy duties as she is unable to do herself.
Recommend that allowance be extended till age 70 or until marriage.
Friday 3rd December 1915
Case number C557. That an allowance of 3/6d per week be made to Annie Penrose - partial dependent - (sister) to continue for three years.
Comment and discuss