Brief but impressive memorial services for W. Anderson Walker, who lost his life in the Titanic disaster, were held last night by Hope Lodge No. 124, F. and A. M. of East Orange, of which Mr. Walker was master. Acting Master John A. Gilbert was in charge and he was assisted by the chaplain, the Rev. William A. Youngston.
Councilman Frank Bliss Colton, of East Orange, gave an address on "Mr. Walker the Man," George W. Fortmeyer spoke on "Mr. Walker the Mason" and Dr. Youngston on "The Phosphorescence of a Masonic Life." The services followed the regular meeting of the lodge, and practically every member of the organization attended.
Councilman Frank Bliss Colton, of East Orange, gave an address on "Mr. Walker the Man," George W. Fortmeyer spoke on "Mr. Walker the Mason" and Dr. Youngston on "The Phosphorescence of a Masonic Life." The services followed the regular meeting of the lodge, and practically every member of the organization attended.
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