STRAUS---At a special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Educational Alliance, held on Friday, April 19, 1912, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
After days of keenest anxiety, the Directors of the Educational Alliance have been forced to realize the awful tragedy that has taken off their revered President, ISIDOR STRAUS. Words are inadequate to express their profound grief or to convey the deep sense of bereavement and personal loss felt by each of them.
The nobility that characterized ISIDOR STRAUS was exemplified to the close of his life. His true manhood, which was reflected in all he did, was never better shown than in his last moments.
Throughout life he was actuated by a profound love of humanity which was the mainspring of all his actions. It was true devotion to his fellow-man that prompted his active, earnest, thoughtful and intelligent interest, not only in public affairs, but in the charitable, educational, social, and philanthropic work of the community in which he was a factor and of which he was an ornament of whom generations may well be proud.
A leading citizen, a patriot, a generous friend, an ardent lover of his fellow-man, early in life he took the time that others might have employed in the pursuit of worldly advantages to do good among his people and in his country.
It was this personal and human interest that prompted his early identification with the work of the EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE, of which institution he was the President for upward of twenty years, and to which be gave generously, not merely in material ways but of his time and of, himself.
He was fortunate in a wife responsive to all his noble and philanthropic impulses, with whom he advised and who sympathetically as well as ably co-operated with him in carrying out his plans for the public welfare.
As he lived for his family and the community, making sacrifices for both, so he died with noble heroism that others might be saved. The true devotion of husband to wife and wife to husband was so marked that not the hour of death could separate her from him she loved so well.
The EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE, together with the entire community, is poorer by the loss of ISIDOR STRAUS and IDA STRAUS, and richer because of their lives. Their example of high character and devotion will be remembered longer than the period of the lives of those who knew them.
The Directors who for years have worked with Mr. STRAUS, and between him and whom there always existed the warmest ties, feel deeply the loss of their zealous and inspiring leader.
The Directors of the EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE extend their deepest sympathy to the family of the late ISIDOR STRAUS 1n the double bereavement they have suffered. To them may strength and fortitude be given to bear their heavy sorrow. May the sweet memories of many years under the influence of these two noble lives sustain them in their affliction.
SAMUEL GREENBAUM, First Vice President.
After days of keenest anxiety, the Directors of the Educational Alliance have been forced to realize the awful tragedy that has taken off their revered President, ISIDOR STRAUS. Words are inadequate to express their profound grief or to convey the deep sense of bereavement and personal loss felt by each of them.
The nobility that characterized ISIDOR STRAUS was exemplified to the close of his life. His true manhood, which was reflected in all he did, was never better shown than in his last moments.
Throughout life he was actuated by a profound love of humanity which was the mainspring of all his actions. It was true devotion to his fellow-man that prompted his active, earnest, thoughtful and intelligent interest, not only in public affairs, but in the charitable, educational, social, and philanthropic work of the community in which he was a factor and of which he was an ornament of whom generations may well be proud.
A leading citizen, a patriot, a generous friend, an ardent lover of his fellow-man, early in life he took the time that others might have employed in the pursuit of worldly advantages to do good among his people and in his country.
It was this personal and human interest that prompted his early identification with the work of the EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE, of which institution he was the President for upward of twenty years, and to which be gave generously, not merely in material ways but of his time and of, himself.
He was fortunate in a wife responsive to all his noble and philanthropic impulses, with whom he advised and who sympathetically as well as ably co-operated with him in carrying out his plans for the public welfare.
As he lived for his family and the community, making sacrifices for both, so he died with noble heroism that others might be saved. The true devotion of husband to wife and wife to husband was so marked that not the hour of death could separate her from him she loved so well.
The EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE, together with the entire community, is poorer by the loss of ISIDOR STRAUS and IDA STRAUS, and richer because of their lives. Their example of high character and devotion will be remembered longer than the period of the lives of those who knew them.
The Directors who for years have worked with Mr. STRAUS, and between him and whom there always existed the warmest ties, feel deeply the loss of their zealous and inspiring leader.
The Directors of the EDUCATIONAL ALLIANCE extend their deepest sympathy to the family of the late ISIDOR STRAUS 1n the double bereavement they have suffered. To them may strength and fortitude be given to bear their heavy sorrow. May the sweet memories of many years under the influence of these two noble lives sustain them in their affliction.
SAMUEL GREENBAUM, First Vice President.
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