''Drowned, too was a famous man from Broadway - 65-years-old F. D.Millet, a distinguished artist, author and war correspondent who livedat Russell House on the main approach from Evesham into the picturesqueWorcestershire village.
He was born in America, served as a drummer boy with the MassachusettsVolunteers in the American Civil War, graduated from Harvard Universityand was vice-chairman of the US National Commission of Fine Art.
However he had lived in Broadway for the last 25 years of his life andwas widely popular in the village. In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78he was a special correspondent for The Times, Graphic and London DailyNews.
He was last seen aboard the Titanic dining in very prestigious company.He was making one of his fairly regular visits to America and left awidow, two sons and a daughter''.
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